Beyond the Fold: Rethinking Landing Page Layout for Maximum Engagement

Brian Vernon
3 min read2 days ago


In the ever-evolving world of web design, the concept of “above the fold” has long been a guiding principle for creating landing pages. This term, borrowed from the newspaper industry, refers to the content visible without scrolling. Traditionally, designers have crammed crucial elements into this limited space, believing that users rarely venture below. However, as user behavior and device diversity have changed, it’s time to rethink this approach and explore how we can maximize engagement throughout the entire landing page.

The Changing Landscape of User Behavior

The rise of mobile devices and social media has significantly altered how users interact with web content. Today’s users are accustomed to infinite scrolling and are more willing to explore content beyond the initial viewport. This shift challenges the notion that all important elements must be squeezed above the fold.

Research by Nielsen Norman Group has shown that while users do spend more time viewing above the fold content, they don’t completely ignore what’s below. In fact, users are often willing to scroll if the page provides clear visual cues and engaging content that entices them to explore further.

Rethinking the Fold: A Holistic Approach

Instead of fixating on the fold, designers should focus on creating a cohesive and engaging experience throughout the entire page. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Create a Visual Hierarchy

Develop a clear visual hierarchy that guides users through your content. Use size, color, and whitespace to emphasize important elements and create a natural flow. This hierarchy should extend beyond the fold, encouraging users to continue scrolling.

2. Use Scroll-Triggered Animations

Implement subtle animations that activate as users scroll down the page. These can draw attention to key elements and create a more interactive experience. For example, you might have statistics or features fade in as they come into view.

3. Implement Sticky Navigation

A fixed navigation bar that remains visible as users scroll can improve usability and encourage exploration. This ensures that important links or calls-to-action are always accessible, regardless of the user’s position on the page.

4. Leverage Progressive Disclosure

Instead of overwhelming users with all information upfront, use progressive disclosure to reveal content gradually. This technique can pique curiosity and encourage users to engage with the page more deeply.

5. Optimize for Various Devices

With the multitude of devices and screen sizes available, the concept of a universal “fold” is outdated. Design responsively, ensuring that your layout adapts seamlessly to different viewport sizes while maintaining a compelling visual hierarchy.

Balancing Act: Key Elements to Consider

While moving beyond the fold opens up new design possibilities, it’s crucial to maintain a balance. Here are some key elements to consider:

1. Clear Value Proposition

Your value proposition should still be immediately apparent. Use the above-the-fold space to communicate your core message succinctly, then elaborate as users scroll.

2. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

While you can (and should) include CTAs throughout the page, ensure that a primary CTA is visible without scrolling. This caters to both quick decision-makers and those who prefer to explore before converting.

3. Page Load Speed

As you incorporate more elements and interactions, be mindful of page load speed. Optimize images, use lazy loading for off-screen content, and minimize unnecessary scripts to ensure a smooth user experience.

4. Mobile Optimization

With mobile traffic often surpassing desktop, ensure your design is fully responsive and provides an excellent experience on smaller screens.

5. A/B Testing

Continuously test different layouts, content placements, and interactive elements to optimize engagement and conversion rates.


The “above the fold” concept, while still relevant, should no longer be the primary focus of landing page design. By adopting a more holistic approach that engages users throughout the entire page, designers can create more compelling, interactive experiences that drive higher engagement and conversions.

As we move forward, the most successful landing pages will be those that seamlessly blend crucial above-the-fold elements with engaging content and interactions that encourage exploration. By rethinking our approach to landing page layout, we can create experiences that not only capture attention but maintain it, guiding users toward desired actions and fostering deeper connections with our brands.

Remember, the fold is not a barrier but a gateway. Design beyond it, and you’ll unlock the full potential of your landing pages.

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Brian Vernon

Highly skilled UI/UX designer with a global client base and experience across multiple industries. With a keen eye for aesthetics,captivating user experiences